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happy national day

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happy national day

Release date:2022-09-28 The author:Jinjiu packaging machinery co., ltd Click:

It is a symbol of good fortune and prosperity. It is a symbol of the motherland and does not accord with Shaohua

The mountains and rivers are safe, the country is rich and the army is strong, and this prosperous age is as you wish

With a country in mind, all mountains and rivers are home

Five thousand years has passed, 9.6 million square kilometers are all hope

Remembering the eventful years and looking at the glory of the present

If the miracle has color, it must be Chinese red

Ordinary people make an extraordinary country. Patriotism is never a trend, it is a responsibility laid in the bones

Pay our youth and shine our China

Click the picture to enter the company's Made in China website

All staff of Jinjiu Packaging Machinery wish you a happy National Day

Celebrate with the country

This article URL://daroitex.com/en/news/413.html

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